

Having an adventure travelling around the world for 5 months, discovering new cultures, food and experiencing the outdoor life, away from the office and everyday life. Who doesn’t want to do a trip around the world?

We made this dream come true and travelled from early August to Christmas 2018. We spent 2 months in the USA, followed by 2 months in Australia and spent the last month of our travels in Thailand.

Phil works as a freelance photographer and could take time off from his clients and orders at any time. For me, however, it wasn´t as easy. I had to quit my job. We had already started planning our trip in summer 2017, so we were able to save up for it for a whole year. We wanted to enjoy the trip to the fullest, having time to enjoy the scenery, spend time in the cities and have time to meet people. So, it was very important for us that we didn´t have any casual work such as working on a farm or in a restaurant during the trip. We had done our working and saving beforehand.

At the beginning of our trip, we were very careful and sparing with our money, especially when it came to accommodation. However, after our first experience of cheap, run down, dirty accommodation in New York and Miami, we decided not to care too much anymore and to enjoy the time, even if it costs a bit more.

Weltreise around the world
Australia Weltreise

So here is a list of what we spent in these 5 months:

Total expenditure for 2 people:

Flight 1
(Munich – New York)
656,84 €
Flight 2
(New York – Miami)
173,58€ + 88,70€
Flight 3
(Miami – New Orleans)
153,87€+ 88,70€
Flight 4
(Miami –  Houston)
184,36€ + 88,70€
Rental Car Texas
(6 days)
Flight 5
(Houston – Las Vegas)
221,98€ + 88,70€
Rental Car Las Vegas
(7 days)
Flight 6
(LA – Sydney)
Greyhound Bus 563,21€
Flight 7
(Cairns – Alice Springs)
Flug 8
(Alice Springs – Melbourne)
Greyhound Bus 132,90€
Flight 9
(Sydney – Bangkok)
Flight 10
(Bangkok – Munich)
Esta America 24€
Esta Australia 78€
TOTALTransport: 7.657,15€

Total America:

New York Hotel: 347,14$ (365,11€)
4 days: 320,73$ (284,12€)
Miami Hotel: 259€
7 days: 548,76$ (511,91€)
New Orleans Hotel: 200$ (186,57€)
4 days: 351,79$ (328,17€)
Houston Hotel: 200,07$ (186,65€)
4 days: 147,07$ + 85,74$ (217,17€)
Austin Hotel: 122$ (113,82€)
2 days: 84,45$ (78,79€)
Fredericksburg Hotel: 55$ (51,31€)
1 day: 5$ (4,66€)
San Antonio Hotel: 90$ (83,96€)
1 day: 47,38$ (44,20€)
Corpus Christi Hotel: 99$ (92,36€)
1 day: 214$ (199,65€)
Galveston Hotel: 143,74$ (134,10€)
1 day: 45$ (41,98€)
Las Vegas Hotel: 224,03€
4 days: 265,42$ (247,53€)
Road Trip 2 months: 3.522,61$ (3.285,17€)
TOTALAMERICA: 7.112,51$ (6.940,26€)

Total Australia

Sydney Hotel: 0$ (we slept at my aunt’s house in Maroubra near Sydney)
9 days: 205,6$
Road Trip 7.750,62$
Alice Springs Hotel: 371,43$
4 days: 1.439,59
Melbourne Hotel: 0$ (I also have family in Melbourne)
7 Tage: 899,69
Sydney Hotel: 0$ (the second time in Sydney we slept with my other aunt who lives in Bondi)
13 days: 181,60$
TOTALAUSTRALIA: 10.848,53$(6.509,12€)

Total Thailand


Hotel: 474,86 €
6 days: 293,59€
Hua Hin Hotel: 363,85€
6 days: 699,78€
Bangkok Hotel: 331,45 €
7 days: 194,10€

TOTAL: 23.464,16€ (11.732,08€ per person)
incl. food, hotels, tours, sightseeing

Thank you for reading. I hope my post could help you.

Questions? Please feel free to ask me in the comments below, via instagram oder E-Mail.

Click here to read about our first stop: New York.


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