San Francisco is world famous for the Golden Gate Bridge, Lombard Street and as the setting for many Hollywood films! I was so excited to see the city live.

We lived with my friend Melina in La Grange for almost two weeks. It was really wonderful to see her again, slow down and just enjoy life in America before we travel on again.
This blog post is about our day trip to San Francisco
At 7 a.m. we went in pure sunshine from La Grange, California to San Francisco, three hours away. Compared to our road trip, where we sometimes sat in the car for 8 or 9 hours to get from A to B, this route seemed pretty short.
However, driving the big car into town was not a good idea. The traffic is extreme and it is also very difficult to find a good parking space without having to pay a lot.
The mapsme app, which we have used throughout the trip, automatically remembers the location of your car as soon as you park it. Practically! Especially in cities where you have never been before.

San Francisco the city of fog
We were lucky. As soon as we arrived, the fog cleared so that we could enjoy our super beautiful sunny day, despite the cool wind and a breathtaking view of the Golden Gate Bridge. In the morning we were still in the garden in a T-shirt and shorts and now we ran through the city in long trousers and sometimes in sweaters. It was really great to have Milli with her, because she knows San Francisco well so that she could show us many things. We spent most of the time walking or taking the Uber.

Unfortunately we didn’t go to Alcatraz because the tickets had to be booked well in advance and we didn’t know that beforehand. Well … Maybe the next time you visit San Francisco. 🙂
But be careful! There is only one provider that is allowed to start Alcatraz (Alcatraz Cruises), all other day trips pass it. Similar to New York City and the ferries to the “Statue of Liberty.
You want to know how it went on with our trip?
Then read our other posts. ?