
Emily´s packing list

In this blog post I have listed everything that we had with us on our trip around the world. I want to help you a little or to give you ideas about things you should definitely not forget:

  • 1 backpack
    Emily: 45 liters / Phil 65 liters, we both had a Deuter rucksack
  • 1 backpack rain protection
  • Carry-on Baggage
    Pack all the important things you need close to you and a few clothes and underwear
  • 1 sleeping bag (out of cotton)especially helpful when sleeping in disgusting hostels
  • 1 travel pillow
    practical when flying, on long bus trips or unsanitary hotel rooms
  • 1 clothes line
    You will have to wash your clothes from time to time and if there is no dryer, you can easily hang up your clothes in your room
  • walking boots
    We were walking / hiking a lot in national parks
  • international driving licence
    If you want to rent a car, we can only recommend an international drivers licence. In some countries, they only accept the international driver’s license, especially if you are under 25
  • credit card
    Our credit card is from DKB, we can only recommend it! Relaxed online registration and no problems abroad. Best part – it is free
  • passport
  • medication
    We had an extra small bag with medication for travel sickness, headache, cramps, diarrhoea, heartburn and various creams for bruises, mosquito bites and open wounds. We also had plasters, bandages and a sewing kit with us, just in case
  • girls: don´t forget your pill
    It is best to go to the gynaecologist before you leave and tell him / her that you want to travel for several months. Most gynaecologists will give you a large supply.
  • towels
    It is best to take microfiber towels with you, as they are very small and light to stuff in the suitcase and are very quick to dry
  • Toiletry bag
  • camera / GoPro
    After all, you want to take great pictures and videos 🙂
  • laptop / external hard drive
    You will need enough space on your mobile phones / cameras and Go Pros for new pictures and videos. Just import them at the end of the day and restart the next day.
  • headphones
    Very important for all the great films on planes and long bus trips
  • toothbrush / toothpaste
  • rei in the tube
  • power bank
  • waterproof phone case
  • ear plugs
    There will always be a roommate who snores unbearably loud 🙂
  • charger/ Adapter for different countries
  • car plug
    If you get a rental car, it is definitely an advantage to be able to charge your camera and mobile phones while you drive to the different spots.
  • locks
    In hostels, there are small lockers under the beds. Be sure to lock them!
  • lock for your notebook
  • shoes
    Hiking shoes or sneakers at the beach are a little too much.
  • 3 bikinis
  • 4 dresses
  • 1 pair of long trousers
  • 3 pairs of shorts
  • 5 T-shirts
  • 1 sport T-shirt
  • 2 sport Shorts
  • 2 sport bras
  • 1 jumper
  • 10 pairs of socks
  • 10 pair knickers
  • 3 bras

I hope I could help you a little while considering what you should pack.

In general, it´s not dramatic if you forget something, have too little with you or something breaks. Everything is buyable or interchangeable!

It is important – that you have fun and can make a lot of wonderful new memories 🙂
You want to know how much money we spent?
Press here to read.

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